
Third day of processing. The latest rumor is that we will not be leaving here until the middle of next month. I know that this is the military but I would be cool for us to be stick to the original plan of leaving this month. We are scheduled for a six month deployment, so the sooner that we get there the sooner that we come back home. The truth is that I will believe that we are there once my feet hit the sand.
I posted a photo of Sergio, pitching, since I have not had a chance to take any cool military pics but those are coming. For those of you that do not know if my son, Sergio, is a heck of an athlete. He has excelled at every sport that he has participated in. He must be adopted.
Marcelo is a real cool little brother. He comes along to every game with minimal complaining. Nothing that an ice cream and/or a masapan won't fix. He is starting to show real prowess on the soccer pitch. As long as they both continue to have fun at any and every sport that they participate in, I'll be more than happy.
What the ^$?! Ha! I hope that things are going all right for y'all. It's hotter than you know what down here!!
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