Saturday, December 09, 2006

Call(ask) before you dig..

Good morning everyone. Well, some yahoo decided to dig a ditch and cut right into the main comm line. Since we, the Seabees, are manning up a variety of projects around the base, guess who got blamed for it? The cool thing is that the command knows who did it so we are still feelings welcomed out here.
Alot has happened since the last time that I updated this site...
Just over a week ago we were rocked by an RPG. It hit about 200 meteres from our hooch. I heard the rattling noise that their rockets make but since we are not seasoned in the art of telling the difference between the sound of an incoming rocket and a a broken AC valve we could not react in time to take cover. I was sitting on the edge of my rack when I heard the sound whoosh and rattle over our hooch. No sooner had I said to myself, "Self, was that a...." BOOM!!!!!!!! The walls shook and the guy that was in the hooch with me was at the door in a flash he looked back at me. See , yours truly has the reaction time of a very nimble sloth. Not that it would make any difference. The marines have since explained to us that if you can hear the rocket coming in then you are good to go, if you can't, well..."You don't have anything to worry about it. You'l be in a world of hurt or dead. But hey, either way, you'll be on your way home." Ah, Jarhead humor. And just yesterday, right at cut off time, I was standing with a group of Seabees when we heard another boom. We looked at eachother and then around the base and saw "a pretty cloud"(not me) just outside the wire. "That is too close to be us and not far enough to be on the range. Take cover." We made it back to our hooch and threw on our OTV and brain bucket (flak vest and kevlar helmet). We sat in our hooch waiting for the "all clear" I have to tell you that although this gear is designed to keep us alive, it fits real snug and it is not designed for comfort. Personally, when I wear it, I feel like a burrito with the beans spilling out of it.
Although the bombs served as a reminder that we are not just on another buidling project, we are at war. We are all in good spirits and now that our comms are back up, morale is picking up as well. Take care...


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