Tuesday, August 22, 2006


We finally made it out to do some field work. Our mornings start off at 0400. Work out, shower and get information at the armory. From their it is off to the range. We go through the safety brief and get started with qualifying. It is a drawn out process (surprise!) but safety is paramount. Notice I did not mention a break for chow. Not a big deal for me. I know what I am in for but so many of my peers just don't seem to get it. This is the military, we have to plan ahead. Oh well. By 0900 or so the temps are in the mid to high 80's but the humidity is what gets to all of us down here. The sweat builds up in a hurry. The good thing is that we were all issued Camelpaks. (I need to buy some stock!) I'll go through about 300 ounces of water in a day. Once we finish on the range we head back to the armory to return our weapons. It is now around 1600. We have dinner and then meet up for evening PT, physical training, or evening training.
As much as I enjoy shooting and working on getting qualed, I mean the M-16 is alot of fun but I hope that I, or anyone of us, does not have to draw down on anyone. I don't care about the political or religious differences, I'm not about that stuff. I just ask God to not put me in that situation.
I am not having any luck uploading photos but as promised, I will keep on trying. Thanks!!


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