Sunday, January 07, 2007


Up until 1998 or so I thought that the Seahawks were a good arena football team that once in while received an invite to come out and play a primer game or two against the Raiders or some other team from the NFL. Somewhere along the line I found out that they were an actual NFL team. I think it had something to do with Paul Allen and Bill Gates making a contribution or two.
A few years later they make it to the Super Bowl and they blow the only chance they will have to win the big one. Their coach decides to show his true charachter by crying to the media and placing the blame on the refs. Nice move. A year later they hobble into the playoffs, playing in the weakest division in all of pro sports and the talk of another run to the Super Bowl is running wild. Please
Yes, they did beat the Cowboys or did a miscue and NOT the Seahawks, cost the 'Boys the game?
Anyway, the Seahawks will be out of the playoffs next week and I will be back to feeling like myself again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can agree on you about this season and how they have managed to get lucky enough to move this far. But last year come on, they actually played some decent ball. Which makes it even worse about them sucking this year since it’s basically the same team.

3:05 PM  
Blogger szamora said...

A Niner fan rooting for the Seahawks? Now that has to be a new low. No, the Super Bowl was not BS. The way that the Seahawks played/coached was BS. Better luck next year, no, wait, it won't happen this year either.

7:58 PM  

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