Thursday, July 28, 2011

8 months later....

So here I am, trying to get this going again...Monica asked about my journals and this blog but I just changed the topic. I need to get and stayed involved with this bloggin' thing.

Here we go...
Tomorrow, we, the family and I, leave for a short weekend trip down to the Big Bend area of South Texas. The last time that I headed down that way, I was a kid riding along with my Dad on one of his business trips. I used to love traveling with him even though we did not do much in terms of kids stuff. Just getting the chance to spend one on one time with him meant so much to me. Even now, some thirty years later, I look forward to just being around the 'old man'. Now, I get to travel the same roads he and I traveled. This time with my kids and my wife. I was looking forward to spending our nights outdoors and under the stars but it's summer and this is Texas. Monica nixed that idea in a hurry. We'll be city slickin' it and staying at the Gage Hotel in Marathon, Texas. It will be cool to get some hiking, swimming and maybe some rafting in but again, it's these kinds of mini vacations that I always look forward to.

I'll be posting photos as soon as we get back.